
FRIDAY FOURM: Roof SA Part 1, Fire Conditions
Situational Awareness is a critical skill for survival in every aspect of firefighting, but particularly on the roof. Consider the environment: working at height, limited entry/egress, above the fire, questionable structural stability, powerful saws, decreased visibility, the list goes on....
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FRIDAY FORUM: Uncertainty

You can’t take the lethality and uncertain reality of the fireground for granted. There is nothing safe about firefighting, and attempts to make it so only serve to dull the senses of those thrust into its precariousness. 

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FRIDAY FORUM: Meat Anchors
Sometimes the best option is the one standing right in front of you-literally. Meat anchors aren't a "by the book" technique but they are often times the best and most efficient solution.
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FRIDAY FORUM: The Work Journal
The benefits of documenting fire and technical rescues are incalculable. Incorporating this as a consistent practice can be utilized for personal reflection and professional growth.
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