
FRIDAY FORUM: Predicted Hazard Preplanning
Perhaps the only certain thing about responding to emergencies is uncertainty. There are simply too many unknowns to prepare for them all. The best way to combat this is to get out in your response area - a lot. Traditionally,...
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FRIDAY FORUM: WHY are you running?
So, why do you run on the fireground?“Because I saw some hardcore dudes on social media who I’m pretty sure go to a lot of fires sprinting everywhere and I took an oath and if I don’t run I’m not...
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FRIDAY FORUM: The Morning After
There’s something oddly intimate about the knowledge of the world’s brokenness that comes in professions where you are consistently exposed to death and destruction. A great deal of this happens after dark, and while the majority of the world sleeps,...
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FRIDAY FORUM: Freelancing vs Firemanship
The term “freelancing” has become overused in the fire service, often to negatively connote any form of individual action not explicitly ordered or any action accomplished solo.  This follows as incident command structures have become extremely rigid in the name...
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