
FRIDAY FORUM: Summer Evenings
Warm air, long shadows, evening tension in the urban center knowing a BBQ at 6 will be a shooting at 8. Summer nights in the firehouse are special. Sitting out front until late in the lingering cigar smoke, the apron...
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FRIDAY FORUM: Axe Always Starts
Even with the best tool care and preparation, things can go sideways on the fireground.  If my notes are correct, I’ve had four saw failures due to either blown chainsaw chains or debris binding on rotary saws.  They were each...
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FRIDAY FORUM: Brotherhood
When I was younger I wanted fire photos.  Now all I care about are the photos with my friends.  The brothers and sisters who walked alongside me through so much.   In two recent conversations, I was reminded about how the...
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FRIDAY FORUM: Bring Your Own Water
Engine Companies should bring their own water. Period. It is a common practice for many Fire Departments to take several lines, or all the lines, at a given fire off the first in engine. Later arriving engines simply beach their...
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FRIDAY FORUM: Satisfaction
Exhaustion never felt so good. Filthy never felt so clean. I’m sure there’s brain science involved related to endorphins and adrenaline etc, but the post-job feeling is unlike any other. Wasted, wet, and dirty, you carry yourself and your tools...
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