
The term “freelancing” has become overused in the fire service, often to negatively connote any form of individual action not explicitly ordered or any action accomplished solo. This follows as incident command structures have become extremely rigid in the name...
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It was dusk, and almost 100 degrees out. Gaining the roof of this dwelling I found 4 different roof types: Peaked terracotta, Peaked asphalt shingle, Flat tar, and best for last, a 10’ x 12’ section of glass panels (see...
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Situational Awareness is a critical skill for survival in every aspect of firefighting, but particularly on the roof. Consider the environment: working at height, limited entry/egress, above the fire, questionable structural stability, powerful saws, decreased visibility, the list goes on....
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You can’t take the lethality and uncertain reality of the fireground for granted. There is nothing safe about firefighting, and attempts to make it so only serve to dull the senses of those thrust into its precariousness.

Discover the often neglected importance of opening walls and ceilings to search for hidden fire in today's fire service. Aggressive interior hooking proves to be the key to successful fire extinguishment, saving more property than it damages, but it requires coordination and additional resources in staffing-starved areas.
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